• Opening Up About How Social Media Affects Me (& You) Psychologically

    This past spring I took a Communications class on interpersonal relationships. My lectures focused on how we interact with and communicate with others, including our interactions through social media. I was very interested in our lecture about how social media affects us psychologically, so I deiced to write my Pack Fashion Magazine article on the subject. Today I will be sharing a more personal version of the article, edited to include my thoughts and even more quotes from the amazing bloggers I interviewed. The photos in this post are intended to enhance my point- because they are all totally staged. I’ll talk more about it later, but to me, my…

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  • Atlantic & Beaufort Beach Recap + Travel Guide!

    Last week I went on vacation with my Dad’s side of the family and stayed in Atlantic beach. My Dad’s girlfriend, Paige’s, uncle lives in Beaufort so we spent a lot of time there as well and got to stay in his girlfriends house in Atlantic beach. They planned a ton of activities and outings for us so today I will be sharing everything we did! I also vlogged the trip and split it into two videos so the first is below and you will have to subscribe to my YouTube channel to see the second! Trust me, you don’t want to miss it! In the second one I climb…

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  • Week in the Life of a Fashion Student | NC State University

    WARNING: This post is extremely long but I did not realize until writing it how much I have been wanting to share with y’all! As most of you probably know, I am a Fashion Textile Management student at NC State University’s College of Textiles. I have been wanting to share more of my day to day life and realized that while I may feel my days are very repetitive, some of y’all may be curious to learn what I do. Monday: I currently only have three classes at the College of Textiles and the rest are general education classes, but I am involved in other opportunities here as well. Today…

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  • How I Take & Get Inspiration for Instagram Photos

    Set-Up As many of y’all know if you watch my Instagram stories, I take most of my blog and Instagram photos all by myself! It is a little hard to explain the set up I use, so you can check that out here: Lighting One of the most important components of photography is lighting. With iPhone photography specifically, the lighting is extremely important. I have found, through endless trial and error, the BEST lighting for iPhone photography: in the shadows. Right Lighting Specifically, in the shadows while facing the sun. See how there are no weird glares or unbalanced lighting? Perfect! Wrong Lighting See how you have to be specifically…

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  • How to Get more YouTube Views

    As many of you probably know, YouTube is changing their monetization rules and taking the privilege of having ads on our videos away from us smaller YouTubers by now basing their threshold on how many subscribers you have and the amount of minute view duration rather than the amount of views in general like it used to. Obviously, monetization is not why I love YouTube, but this change takes away progress on my channel and feels as though I am having to take a step back rather than progressing forward. Since this change is going to affect my channel, I have been doing a ton of research lately about how…

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  • How to Start a Youtube Channel

    I have been getting tons of questions recently about how to start a YouTube Channel so today I am sharing my tips! This is another question that I get stuck on how to answer but hopefully this video will help you feel more comfortable beginning your channel- especially for those of us that may not have all the fancy equipment “needed” for YouTube!

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  • How to Start and Grow a Fashion Blog

    I have been getting tons of questions recently about how to start a Fashion Blog, and my main tip is to just do it! In the video below I talk about what drove me to start my blog and the steps I took when begging as well as my tips on how to bring traffic to your blog!

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  • How to Start and Grow a Fashion Instagram

    I have been getting tons of questions recently about how to start a Fashion Instagram and I honestly get a little stuck when I am asked this question because my go to response is just do it! Everyone starts somewhere and honestly none of us know what we are doing in the beginning. To try to help those of you that want to start a fashion insta, today I am sharing the steps I took when I started my account and my tips for starting/growing yours!

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  • PROM: My dress picks, what I wore to my proms, my hair and nails, & more!

    My Prom Details: For my first prom, all I knew was that I wanted my dress to be pink. Other than that, I was completely open! Theses are the four pink dresses I liked the most: Looking at them now, I almost hate them all. The one farthest to the left was beautiful, but was a little more expensive than I was looking for and I wasn’t sure on the fit. Looking at this one now, I am remembering another one I tried on. It was similar to this one but had blue stones over the nude mesh and sort of made me look like a mermaid. My mom liked…

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  • How I Chose my Roommate

    Pretty soon upcoming students will be receiving acceptance letters and beginning to prepare for their college experience. One of the first things you are required to do to prepare for your freshman year is figure out your housing arrangements, aka where you want to live and who you are going to live with. As for roommate options, you can either request a specific person or choose to have a random selection. This year, first year students were required to live on campus, which I was planning on doing anyways. I did not have any girl friends coming to NC State that I would room with, so I got one of…

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