5 First Day of School Tips

If you read my post 5 Tips for Preparing for your First Day Back to High School!, then you are all prepared for the big day to come! But some of you may still be nervous about how the actual first day will go, which is why I am sharing these tips to help!

1. Stay off your Phone:

Well all have had those teachers that could care less if your watching a movie on your phone all day and those that would kick you out if class if it lit up in your pocket. You never know what your teacher’s thoughts on cell phones are going to be, so do not test your luck on the first day. Your teacher will let you know their expectations, or they will become obvious throughout the first week of class. Trust me, you do not want to be the first kid to take out their phone and end up sitting in detention.

2. Be Prepared:

I do not care what grade you are in, you always need to have school supplies on the first day. At least a writing utensil and piece of paper. Do not be that kid that gets called out for not being prepared; especially if you are in high school! Your high school teachers want to treat you like adults, so do not act like children!

3. Wake up Extra Early:

You do not want to be late on your first day. I mentioned several tips about how to not be late here: 5 Tips for Preparing for your First Day Back to High School!, but you still want to wake up even earlier than you need to on the first day incase there is a lot more traffic than you expected or incase you cannot find your classroom or maneuver through the halls as easily as you expected.

4. Be on your Best Behavior:

First impressions stick, you want to make a good one. If you are in high school, these teachers have your future in their hands. They are the ones that will write your college, scholarship, clubs, and athletics recommendation forms. What I am saying is, you want to be on their good side! Do not give them any reason to write you a bad recommendation!

5. Find other People in your Classes:

At my high school, for the first few days we would always have home room and receive our schedules before we went to our classes. Or you may receive yours in the mail before you even go to school! Before school starts or during homeroom, try to find someone you know that has a class or lunch period with you! I promise, everything will feel like intimidating if you have a buddy to stick by your side and sit with you in class and especially at lunch!


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For more outfits like this one, see this post: Back to School Outfits!

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