What I Want for Christmas
Christmas is coming SO fast this year and I know y’all are gift shopping and trying to figure out what you want to ask Santa for so today I will be sharing my Christmas Wishlist!
Honestly, I have everything I could need and want. Seriously. I’ve been thinking recently how thankful I am for everything in my life and all the opportunities I have received this year. Something weird that I do is wish on every single eyelash I see that comes out. It’s such a weird (& kind of obsessive) habit because I will literally pick an eyelash back up if I accidentally drop it before making a wish. I know right? Weird. Anyways, recently, I haven’t known what to wish for. I typically do not wish for material things, mostly for things like that I would get my internship last summer, that I would get into study abroad, that I would get a study abroad scholarship- all of which I have gotten. I’ve realized recently that I do not currently have a “go-to” wish, and it has made me so thankful for everything in my life. I literally have everything I could wish for, and I could not be more grateful.
With that being said, there is not much on my wishlist this year. Most of these items are things I would typically (& may) buy myself, but Santa’s grumpy I do not have a list so I am trying to hold off on these items.
You can shop each of these items by clicking on the image of the individual product in the carousel below or the pink links in the description of products below the graphic. Thank you so much to everyone who shops through my links- it allows me to earn a small commission doing what I love at no extra cost to you!

Money for Study Abroad: As you probably know, I am studying abroad in Florence, Italy next semester. This will be my first time ever really traveling and I want to be able to travel and get the best experience out of my trip, so all I truly want for Christmas is money for study abroad.
Camera Memory Cards: If y’all follow my vlogs, you know I am always running out of memory on my cameras. I hate to delete stuff, so I am always buying new memory cards for my camera. I’d love a few memory cards so I am stocked up for Italy! Also, an external hard drive is probably something my computer would love for me to have, but I do not know much about them so I do not have an example linked.
Camera Battery: Again, if you follow my vlogs, you know my battery always dies. It’s literally THE MOST annoying thing to be out shooting and have to leave solely because my camera died. An additional camera battery would help tremendously.
New Tripod: I’ve bought (& broken) the same $15 tripod from Target about 10 times in the past two years. I’ve linked one that appears to be more sturdy while still portable and affordable, but I am open to options.
An RFID Wallet & Passport Cover: So my identity doesn’t get stolen!
Cute Coat: I wear the same teddy coat every single day and while I love it, it’s not that cute on. I’ve picked out several coats I love this season that look both warm AND cute. The boohoo & Missguided ones are 50% off every other day so I would not purchase from them without a sale or discount code (normally found on their home pages). For sizing reference, I would probably take a 2 or 4 from those two brands.