5 Tips for Downsizing your Closet for College
1. Only take the current/upcoming season:
More than likely, you will be moving in fall semester. Therefore, it is probably still going to feel like Summer in the first weeks you are there (assuming you live in the South). Because of this, I will be bringing summer clothes along with a few transition pieces like a pair of jeans and a jacket I can easily layer with; maybe even a light sweater just in case. What I am saying is, you will probably go home before the winter weather rolls around so you do not need to pack clothes for all seasons. If your moving in in August, leave the L.L. Bean Boots and J.Crew Vests behind, but do not only bring shorts and tanks. Find a happy medium so you do not find yourself freezing in cutoffs and a crop top on a chilly evening.
2. Of you haven’t worn it in the past year, you probably won’t next year:
This is normally supposed to be the rule for going through old clothes and deciding what you should throw out. I do not believe that that is the best rule for throwing out clothes because there are pieces I have not worn in the past year but would never throw out, and I plan to do a post all about those pieces. Anyways, I do think this is a good rule for downsizing your closet to fit in a dorm room closet.
3. The basic tees:
Do you have that one drawer full of basic white, black, and every color of the rainbow tees, long sleeves, and tanks for layering and matching flowy shorts and skirts? I know I do. And do you know what else? I have not worn hardly any of those tees in years. Everyone is always raving about how they live for their basic tees, and I guess that’s just not me. I know I can’t be alone. If there is a basic tee that you own and love- then bring that one. Not the drawer full of numerous different colors and cuts.
4. Only items you wear frequently, not the dress or shoes you have worn once in the past year:
If you are like me, then you find yourself frequently wearing the same closet staples like shoes and jewelry. You can read all about my closet staples here: Must Have Closet Staples- Spring/Summer 2017, but what I am saying is, only bring your staples. Not that statement necklace that only matches one top, but your dainty Kendra Scott necklace that matches everything. Not your embroidery shoes that go with two outfits, but your Jack Rogers or Birkenstocks that match everything.
5. Tees and Track Shorts:
We’ve all heard it- “All college students wear are tee shirts and track shorts.” This may make you feel the need to bring ALL of your tees, but I promise, you will not wear or have room for all of them. I plan to only bring my favorite tees and tracks shorts that I know I will wear!
*Although this is all you hear you will ever wear, I still think you should bring a few business outfits incase you have to do a presentation and some other nice outfits for going out and other school events like clubs, greek life, and incase you have a class that requires nicer clothing. I ESPECIALLY think that if you are a person that dresses up more often you should bring more outfits than just workout clothing.*
You can read more about the closet items you cannot forget in this post: College/Dorm Haul.
Long story short- only bring your favorites.
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