Weekly Recap: June 2- June 9
What I Wore to my Internship this Week:
What I did at my Internship this Week:
This week I actually worked four days, two for the internship and two for pay. Monday I did a new arrivals video on @summerbirdboutique ‘s Insta stories, a try on of their $30 rack, and edited and published the Cocktail Outfit Ideas video to their YouTube (Summerbird Style). I also took product shots for their Wellness bar, One High-End Hippie, that carries different CBD products and facial products. Tuesday I again shared some new arrivals and took some product shots. Wednesday I took more product shots and shared some of them on their Insta stories. Thursday I worked with a model again and took some photos in downtown Charlotte at a little park and also in the downtown Noda area. I have never really gotten a chance to explore Charlotte so having photoshoot ideas is a little difficult, but I love having the opportunity to explore more! Throughout the week I also took several self-timer product shots of me wearing the outfits for their website because we nearly completed adding all the apparel this week! Shop and check out the photos I took here: https://summerbirdboutique.com/
School this Week:
School this Week was not too bad, although I still have not done the reading for Technological Catastrophes or completed my last discussion topic. For the internship class I again, just had to summarize what I did and for Technological Catastrophes, we talked about the BP oils spill, so I will not share what I wrote since it does not have to do with the fashion industry, and honestly is not a topic I am super interested in. My teacher did, however, just email us the study guide for the test that’s in about two weeks so I need to buckle down on that now. I typically would not worry about it too much because I normally am not very concerned about my GPA, but the study abroad program I want to apply for requires a 3.0 or higher and is competitive so I would love to get an A in this class.
What I did During my Free Time this Week:
This week really did not consist of much free time, but in the time I had, I listed items on Poshmark/Mercari/Depop, watched America’s Next Top Model, attempted photos despite the rain, went to a baby shower, did homework, and spent some time with my grandmother! I am really trying to remember what I did all day Friday- maybe that was a “lazy day” for me after working all week. Shop my closets here:
-Poshmark (@classic_prep98) https://bnc.lt/focc/dzOTAXhs5O
-Mercari: (Olivia Noles): https://www.mercari.com/u/270844846
-Depop: (@olivianoles) https://www.depop.com/olivianoles
What I Bought this Week:
Nothing!!! Honestly might be my first week yet! I guess I technically got stuff because I received collaboration packages, but I did not spend my money on anything (other than coffee and treating myself to food). Having to spend so much money on gas every week plus trying to save for in case I study abroad has kept me from spending money on unnecessary things.
What I’ve Been Watching this Week (TV & YouTube Addict Here!!):
A WHOLE LOTTA America’s Next Top Model. This TV addict has not gotten through all 24 seasons yet, and her free Hulu trial is up in a week so she may have to allocate $10 a month to one of her guilty pleasures. But hey, I think watching Top Model is really beneficial when it comes to photo inspiration!
Posts you May Have Missed, & a Few Thoughts I’ve Been Having:
Before you even say it, I know. The content has been lacking. I’m genuinely so busy with my internship and school, plus my life is a bit of a mess (literally). Ever since moving home from college, I have not been able to get my room into order. This does not seem like much of a big deal, but when it comes to trying to film in here, I get very uninspired and hate the way my content looks because I do not have a clean, creative space to make quality content in. I’m working on cleaning it every day, but it needs more than just that. I would love to re-do it a little as we had originally planned to do, but I hate to throw any amount of money at it when I probably won’t ever live full time in this house again. It seems wasteful to buy things I can only enjoy for a few months. The bigger issue is, college is unstable. I’ve preached about it tons of times so y’all know, but I seriously cannot wait to graduate and be able to live in one spot for an extended period of time and have some stability in my life. Anyways, here’s what I did post this week.